Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Alternative September 11th

Of course, there are Republican and Democratic politicians who abuse
the memory of those who died on Sept 11th for their own agendas of
war, empire, and vengeance.

Of course, there are Republican and Democratic politicians
who use the climate of repression to further repress...breaking up
immigrant families with brutal detentions and deportations. It’s hard to
determine who screams the loudest for the watchtowers and walls
along the Mexican border.

Of course, there are Republican and Democratic politicians who whine
in panic about the shortfall of military recruitment...they lament
the ‘good old days’ of an endless reservoir of human beings...cannon fodder
for the death machines provided by military conscription.
No Draft...No Way!

Of course, there are the real power brokers of Republican and Democratic
administrations...the war machinery and weapons manufacturers,
the military base builders, the fossil and nuclear energy corporations,
the sicko health industry and pharmaceutical lobbyists that block
national single-payer healthcare, the forest plunderers and mall developers...
these are but a few of the corporate paymasters masquerading
as political contributors.

And then, there is us...who remember those who died on Sept 11th
by rededicating ourselves to a just, peaceful, and sustainable world
by demilitarizing and democratizing our own society. On this and on
all future Sept 11ths, war-makers will shrill at the wind...
but WE must build community.

--- e b bortz
Sept 11, 2007
Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh


Smith & Lady said...

You are absolutely correct. I think our society is suffering from an illness. The symptoms are alienation and war. The source is a kind of materialism that treats everything as though it's meaningless, disposable. Not feeling the connected to the world in a meaningful way allows us to treat it as disposable, to ignore the consequences of our actions.

e b bortz said...

as ugly as things might get
(an empire in decline is
unpredictable), i still find
personal survival & growth
(redemption?) intrinsically
linked with others for a just,
peaceful, sustainable world.