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mustang sally waits
under the marquee
at the fox theatre
inside leonard cohen
kneels once more
for her
from an ornate stage
projecting and lifting
a deep sexual voice
for all the outstretched
idled hands
lovers' hearts
gone cold
--- e b bortz
i remember seeing the marcels bass man
in the bluebell diner on brighton place
just after getting off my pinsetter shift
at the bowling alley down the street
as i think back now
he looked kinda lost
from the breakup of the group
that was about 1962
everything around was being uprooted
so-called urban renewal was coming on
no regard to where anyone would end up
you just drifted until you hit something to stop you
northside pittsburgh was a new neighborhood for me
my dad & i landed on buena vista street
as the mills were still smoking
& streetcars rolled up & down mountains easily
the neighborhood was beginning to mix
like a jumble of stew
black & white folks learning to pull together
most everyone pissed
by the so-called pittsburgh renaissance
the presbyterian church on brighton road was in for
a real awakening as reverend bob went door-to-door
welcoming in black people
putting together a softball team
& friday night flicks as he called it
jfk rolled thru in '62 sitting on the back
of a convertible
we all lined brighton road like a swarm of bees
getting a glimpse on his fixed smile
wrinkles on his forehead beginning to show
maybe even eye contact
or maybe i'm reading too much into it
nearby columbia place was more than an alley
more like a village
maybe twenty houses strung together
hours on the stoops
made learning the words
or making up new ones
the only harmony that mattered
--- e b bortz
(published in earth notes and other poems, Least Bittern Books, 2015)
death that is
or at least it shouldn't
where tunnels & bomb shelters
open their
parched empty doors
to a universe of
holding cells
reportedly steeped
in the magna carta
and every fearful sigh
leaving your body
just another step
negating the last one
it never comes easy
love that is
--- e b bortz
(published in, Nov 19, 2012)
the president awakens early
to initial u.s.a.
on the turrets of the israeli tanks
amassed on the gaza border
the big guns blasting into gaza
from ships in the mediterranean
the drones taking off
jets dropping bombs
communications equipment
screaming thru the night
the newscasts from the felted echo chambers
the oil tankers refueling the death machines
ignoring the bankruptcy receipts
phony credit instruments
all the soil
is poisoned
in dollars
--- e b bortz
(published in, Nov 16, 2012)
from the abundance
of lakes and forests
into the vast expanse
where the common ground
becomes a drought cracked earth
spreading past abandoned
dry washes
falling down farm houses
cattle and buffalo shuffling
in search of shade
and then abruptly
thru western north dakota
the pillage of fracking
chemical pestilence
carving out the soul
of lost prairies
broken treaties
--- e b bortz
(published in, Nov 12, 2012)
(published in earth notes and other poems, Least Bittern Books, 2015)
& the president is reelected
forgive my preachy
a few simple questions
for my friends & former friends
who felt compelled
to awaken/browbeat me
(unsuccessfully...jill stein still got my vote)
with lesser evil (nonetheless evil)
calculations rationalizations dreamed up
in a night sweat
(someone's been watching too much television)
to the questions:
can you be counted on now
to insist on
from here on
from this president
do fracking ponds scare you
enough to act
like your last well
of unpolluted water
is being hijacked
at the pennsylvania/ohio border
is that street theatre
or just another superbowl party
to go with
more war
more drones
more fear mongering
is the climate emergency
immediate enough
for yah
is a president who only promises
to tweak
at college tuition INCREASES
just after slightly reducing
medicare premium INCREASES
really on the side of "the middle class"
are you swallowing
the "grand bargain"
with congress
have you bought
the poison pill
and called it a discount
are happy days here again
--- e b bortz
(published in, Nov 7, 2012)