Thursday, July 21, 2022

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

the digits on your hand become the letters of your poem

become the words
of a sometimes long lost cause
you've never shied away
from most of that
like your father
taking the medicine
because it's pointed deep at his underbelly
where the traffic is mostly chaos
& the courtrooms start out
being rigged
there are many ways
to break through the fog
and claim enlightenment
mostly though
it's self-pity
egocentric self-delusion
(am i being redundant?)
taking the lead
convincing yourself
that there will be no one else
in the trenches
when the shells hit

--- e b bortz

Thursday, July 07, 2022

earth note 862


there's a shepherd barking
every night
past the abyss
to the promised land
of orange sunsets
if you doubt that
for a moment
let the highway
take you through the back roads
til you reach the river
renewal just a stone's throw
the markings of the ancients
     your brother's keeper

--- e b bortz

Sunday, July 03, 2022

earth note 861

from the back porch
a clear day will focus
on the greentree water tower
two o'clock in my view
escaping to the south ridge
along the ohio river
many footpaths connected
the world can be surprisingly
from time to time

--- e b bortz