Saturday, July 14, 2012

earth note 193

it's tough trying
to zone out
in a backwoods oregon internet bar
     truck racing     roaring away
     on the nascar channel
          all five televisions

surrounding it all
     jagged half-logged national piney forest
shaking up every angry mosquito
from a hiding place
left to pick at humans     even canines
when given half a chance

the sisters peek
from snow capped peaks
the chill at crescent lake
meets a thick-skinned kayak
     & volcanic scratches
     like a signature incognito

and still
each sunrise and sunset
in the old coastal towns
of astoria and florence
and a score in between
     are all unique compositions
ragged rocks & surf
& seals
that throw the unpredictable
     into the abstract

only a great painter
can give the images
with color and texture
     we're all in the spectrum
and with great reverence
     i leave it at that

--- e b bortz

(published in, July 18, 2012)

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