Tuesday, July 23, 2013

earth note 252

youghiogheny river valley
ohiopyle to confluence
feels like a rainforest
each day near the end of july
     wet and warm
sporadic rain burst intervals
suddenly on and off
like the monsoons of thailand
the forest canopy dripping
down to the bicycle trail
whitewater rapids spitting up
circles of fog
drifting then sticking
to the riverbank

a roll of thunder at dusk
like hollow distant prayer wheels
chasing a family of deer
up through the mountain laurel
up the embankment
to the arms
of mother oak     maple     poplar

by midnight
the rain finishes tapping
at our mountain tent
     our breath
          now the mist

--- e b bortz

(published in earth notes and other poems, Least Bittern Books, 2015)  

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