Tuesday, August 29, 2017

earth note 516


birds shit in the water
this isn't so much
a statement of fact
just a possible verb tense
for present conditions
so either boil your water
or join the line at the buffalo
to get your water
which i failed to know about
early this morning
thus was just sipping coffee
as the phone message
came in advising me
to boil it first
before you drink
wash dishes
brush your teeth
     let me clarify this is
     for all of us on the northside
     and areas north of northside
     if you're confused
     call pgh water authority
     or to be safe just assume
     we're all northsiders now

repeat: birds shit in the water
this undoubtedly happened
and all precautions are now in place
including a duct tape repair
to the reservoir cover
and removing the word infrastructure
from all political shit lists

--- e b bortz

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