Wednesday, September 18, 2019

it seemed like a good day to confer with camus

one of those warm dry days
summer not quite over
a restless dog covering every foot
along the linear grass line
on friendship avenue
neighborhood woodwork exposed by open blinds and windows
looking out like a sage from a painter's easel
looking for common ground
a way out of the perpetual crisis
paint not dry yet
over images of apocalypse

camus had the knack
of a critical mind
and soft touch from a long lost love
walking a poodle
was the perfect disguise
for a former editor
of the french underground resistance newspaper
takes on new forms all the time

camus wrote with the rage
of coexistence and confederation for his boyhood algeria
though they wouldn't listen to him then

the poodle gets out a muted bark
to get your attention
the painter's canvas ultimately
turns out to be something else
altogether different

camus opens his notebook
his eyes focus
the words
bear the weight of the world

--- e b bortz

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