Sunday, March 08, 2020

earth note 732

indigenous green and brown
the riverbanks of the tapi river
gathering like runoff silt
color and grain
before the western structures
before industrial agriculture
touching the land
marks your beginning and end

in the thai language
there's a whisper
for every syllable
a free secret
beyond bitterness

out of the forest
a body extends
like the branch of a tree
even for the skeptical
a kiss will always
warm the living
your hands are your eyes

the small airport was crowded
for a weekday
our hands were sweaty
the announcements gave us
little time before abandonment

there were lies we told each other
it felt right for the time
i gave her a bob marley cassette
she gave me a photo
from the beach in songkhla

since then i've read a story or two
about the farang who leaves
     a heart
in the quiet alleys
of the mind
like the heat from the equator
never leaves your body

--- e b bortz


Tricia Murphy said...

Lovely. Beautiful poem.

e b bortz said...

many thanks.