Friday, April 10, 2020

not sure how it will happen

or who'll give the final wink
quid pro quo
to let the patient die on the scrap heap
     coughing dry
reverse engineered worn-out ventilator
where history ends and the abandoned
look through the last of the rubbish bins
for a mask
or a gown
hidden in the ledgers
of a mar-a-lago walk-in closet

open everything up they say
the cash registers may be nothing
more than rotting paper weights
but the appetite is all that matters
traffic on the avenue is picking up
herd mentality in time for christmas
is enough of a goal

the dog goes to the extreme backyard
just before the drop-off
eyes and nose in motion
a clairvoyant pointer by most definitions
the apocalypse announces itself
at the cinderella ball
but the prince is working a double shift
passing out in the linen closet

--- e b bortz

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