Sunday, September 02, 2012

no winners


i'd be happy
to let go
     my straw men
     all high minded
     pillars of the community
when & if something new
the perpetual road
isn't just a continuation
of old clichés
empty atm machines
     living under a bridge
world war 3 survivalists
     likely only cockroaches

force fed progress
     grand finale fireworks
          raised to spectacle


even a short time before my father died
it was apparent that he would never accept
a world of broken dreams
a be all end all
for a revolutionary
envisioning the possibilities
regardless of the immediate conditions

and i knew all this from the last twinkles
in his last good eye
me trying to sing goody goody
in the same spirit as he sang it
in the pain of his immediacy
     his soul
     still on the battlefields
     of the spanish people
     1937 and 38


there's not much point
in drawing conclusions
facing what is here
is enough
if there's an inner candle
sing with it
while it's still hot

--- e b bortz

(published in, Sept 4, 2012)

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